What if a handwritten application is delivered to a teacher, but your teacher does not get the matter inside the application due to bad handwriting. Take another instance that you have given some exam recently but the checker is frustrated with your bad writing and she/he is not able to understand what you have written in many places. In that case, there is a high probability that the teacher or examiner will cut on points or marks for your bad handwriting.
Many reasons clarify why you should worry about your handwriting, no matter what profession you are into. Especially students must take care of their handwriting as they are frequently involved in making notes and giving academic exams.
Look at these reasons to understand the prominence of handwriting:
Helps you get good grades
A student can leave a positive impact on the examiner’s mind and makes the written matter more meaningful and clear, which can lead to getting better grades in your exam. Bad handwriting or if it is not clear to the examiner, can result in getting good marks or grades.
Makes you a better note maker
Good handwriting becomes the reason to be a better note maker. As notes are preferred every time you are engaged in your study or preparing for assessment, your writing should be clear and easily readable.
Handwriting activates your brain better than typing on a computer
It is a fact that your brain engages more complex motor skills while writing on paper than typewriting. It helps you memorize whatever you are writing on a paper, which ultimately helps you to prepare better for your upcoming exams and assessments.
It develops better communication between writer and reader
Bad handwriting may weaken communication between writer and reader; hence it can lead to downgrading the value of the matter written in a document.
Improves your image
Filling out different forms, writing a message on a greeting card; handwriting plays a very important role to build up your character and image in front of others. People with good handwriting have a better image in front of their friends, teachers, colleagues, or seniors.
Our daily practice of making every letter readable and visually appealing is the only key to improve our handwriting. It’s guaranteed that you will see a huge difference in your handwriting when you will be writing every letter with the consciousness of making it better.
The Gurukul teachers had given very much importance to handwriting since its existence because they understand the value of good handwriting in our daily jobs. Regular assessments and feedback on handwriting keep students active and aware of the value of beautiful handwriting.
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