How to make sure your Youngsters are safe with their mobiles?
With the changing times and an exponential increase in digital frauds, you must inevitably be concerned about the safety of your young children while using mobile phones and in the overall digital space. In today’s scenario, mobile phones are a necessary evil that invariably every parent has to provide their young children with. It has become such an important part of our lives that no matter how much you try, you just can’t do without it. So to make sure that your children are safe and responsible while using mobile phones, here are some tips that might help:
- Keep a Check: This might sound like being a helicopter parent, but when done judiciously, it can come across as a very effective tool. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your children are safe in the digital space, therefore, you should keep an eye on what your child is doing in the digital space, and if you come across any red flags, have an honest conversation with your child about it.
- Explain about the threats of digital space: No matter you much you try, you can’t always be there to make sure that your children are safe with their mobile phones and are making the right choices. Speak and share with your children that how disastrous these online spaces are and invoke a sense of responsibility among them. Explain to them on how if acted responsibly this can act as a boon for them, however, a slight misjudgement can land them in great jeopardy.
- Importance of Passcodes/Pin: Just like our bank accounts, these days our cell phones are, loaded with information that is much more valuable than cash. It is very important that we keep the confidentiality of our mobile devices our top priority. You need to explain it to your child that they should keep their pin and passcodes extremely confidential and not share it with anyone, not even the people they consider their confidants.
- Difference between Private and Public: Mobiles phones are loaded with social media sites, and young children are at such impressionable age that they believe they need to do everything that their peers are doing. Children should be taught on what can be shared on social media and whatnot. You should tell them how one wrong share can be extremely dangerous, explain to them boundaries that need to be set while using social media.
- A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: Often children are given devices that they are not equipped to handle, therefore you need to make sure that you thoroughly take our child through the whereabouts and the workings of the device. They should be adept in handling properly the device that they are dealing with. Not just explain the child, before handing over the phone to your child, give your child some tasks to perform on the mobile phone, and once you have full faith that your child has become a phone ninja, go ahead and give it to them.
You can read also – Is Technology a Boon or a Bane for Young Students?
Tags: education, Gurukul School, Mobile safety tips for youngsters, Mobiles phones safety tips, school, Students, teachers, youngsters