“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”
Independence is not age-related, it starts with the very beginning of our life cycle. The sooner we instill the idea of independence for our children, the better their future life is going to be. Independence starts with the most little things, like planning what to wear. Even when the kids don’t have a basic understanding of things around them, if you ask for their choices, eg, if you ask them to choose between two sets of clothes and choose the one that they want to wear, that is where the basic idea of independence starts for the kid, from as early as when they are toddlers.
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There are various reasons why you used to introduce Independence in young kids, few are below:
- Gives them a sense of fulfillment: Even when the kids are not aware of the idea of independence, in their subconscious minds, this notion gives them happiness. When a child is allowed to make his/her choices, it gives them a sense of fulfillment. It makes them believe that they are capable of doing things and their choices are being respected.
- Boosts their confidence: When children are allowed to make independent decisions, it helps in a great way in boosting their confidence and self-esteem. Suppose you ask your child if they want to eat beans or dal for dinner, and if you actually give them what they decided upon, this small act will pay a great way in making that child believe that they are capable of doing things correctly. Always start this habit right from the beginning, this is going to come in very handy in the future.
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There are also various ways through which you can inculcate the idea of Independence in your children, few are below:
- Give them age-appropriate tasks: Whatever age your child is choose to give them activities that someone of their age can be expected to do. However, you should be there with your child in case your child needs any help in completing that activity. You don’t have to be a helicopter parent, you need to be a silent spectator, who will be there to help if needed.
- Be encouraging: One of the most important steps in making your child independent is, you being encouraging and supporting of your child. When children are learning new things they are bound to make mistakes, however, if you reprimand them for the same, it can act as an inhibitor in their growth. So, always encourage your child when they are trying to be independent and doing jobs on their own.
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- Choose safe surroundings: It is very important to be aware and cautious of the surroundings in which you are teaching your child independence. When you give them tasks, make sure that those tasks do not entail any serious risks. The tasks should always be age-appropriate and under proper adult surveillance. When you even choose a school and pre-school for your kids where a major chunk of independent activities will be taught and come into practice, make sure you do thorough research. If you are looking for a safe school in Panchkula, that has a lot of activities focused on making their students independent, then Gurukul Schools in Panchkula is the answer for you.
– Happy Parenting!
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Tags: child education, Child’s Life, children education, Gurukul Schools in Panchkula, Kindergarten panchkula, music education, Play Way Schools panchkula, Pre Schools in Panchkula, pre-school for your kids, school for your kids, school in Panchkula, young students